2024 Summer Schedule-Updated August 26, 2024
August 31, 2024 12-1pm KEMPTVILLE
You can pay $40 per session as a drop in or 6 pre-paid sessions for $200 ( $33 per session) . You can pay by bringing $200 cash or cheque made out to " Chris Finnerty" to the arena on the first session.
Beckwith sessions are at 1319 9th Line Beckwith Carleton Place ON K7C 3P2
Kemptville sessions are at North Grenville Municipal Centre 285 Country Rd.
Please PRINT, SIGN, and bring the REGISTRATION FORM with you to the first session you attend.
If you happen to know of any players who may be interested, if you could please spread the word. We try to keep our sessions affordable.
No pre-registration required. Just show up and pay by cash. $40 per drop-in session or 6 pre-paid sessions for $200. Same family discounts available. We don't turn anyone away due to finanical reasons.
Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions.